Composition Lessons Syllabus
Courses this Syllabus Covers
MUS: 1107, 1108, 2207, 2208, 3207, 3307, 3308, 4307, 4308, 5207, 5208, 5209
Ben Johansen, PhD
Scott McAllister, DMA
- regular weekly lessons will be scheduled at the beginning of each semester
- some lessons may be virtual and some may be in-person
Required Attendance Outside of Scheduled Weekly Lesson
Non-composition majors are not required to attend any events outside of scheduled weekly lessons. Composition majors are required to attend or view all of the following:
- Comp Forum:
- TBD (once a month - day and time based on what works best for majority of the studio)
- New Music Concert:
- Feb.21 @ 7:30pm in Jones Hall
Weekly Lesson Attendance
The following is straight from the School of Music Undergraduate Handbook:
School of Music policy requires that to earn credit in a course a student must be officially enrolled by the end of the second full week of the semester and attend at least 75% of all class meetings. Faculty members may establish additional attendance requirements as outlined in course syllabi. Any student who is not present for at least 75% of the scheduled class sessions for any course will automatically receive a grade of “F” in the course. Any University-related activity necessitating an absence from class will count as an absence when determining whether a student has attended the required 75% of class meetings.
Course Objective
Create an original composition complete with edited score and parts (if applicable). I will assign projects as seen fit to meet this goal. Projects can range from reading and listening assignments, to creativity building exercises. You may also be required to get your piece performed (depending on your portfolio needs).
- 50% Weekly *progress* + weekly lesson attendance (see above)
- 50% Projects and Original Composition assignment(s)
Academic Success
Any student who needs academic accommodations related to a documented disability should inform me immediately at the beginning of the semester. You are required to obtain appropriate documentation and information regarding your accommodations from the Office of Access and Learning Accommodation (OALA). Stop by the first floor of Sid Richardson, East Wing in the Paul L. Foster Success Center or call (254) 710-3605 or email
Success Center
I believe every student who has been admitted to Baylor can be successful, and I want to partner with you to help you thrive academically. Be sure to take advantage of the many resources available for academic success, including coming to see me during my office hours. Students who regularly utilize the great resources in the Paul L. Foster Success Center such as tutoring, Learning Lab, and Academic Mentoring are among my most successful students. If your academic performance in this class is substandard, I will submit an Academic Progress Report to the Success Center so that the team of coordinated care professionals can ensure that you get the help you need.
First Generation College Students
Baylor University defines a first-generation college student as a student whose parents did not complete a four-year college degree. The First in Line program is a support office for first-generation college students to utilize if they have any questions or concerns. Please check out First in Line, visit us in the Basement of Sid Richardson West Wing or email
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Unless I instruct you otherwise, all assignments should be your original work and should not be produced in part or in total with the assistance of artificial intelligence (for example, ChatGPT, Grammarly, or some other resource). Use of artificial intelligence without explicit permission from the instructor constitutes a violation of the Honor Code at Baylor University. I may at times use artificial intelligence tools for instruction or allow or expect you to use them to complete your assignments, but in these instances I will provide clear permission and guidance for their proper use.
Academic Integrity
Plagiarism or any form of cheating involves a breach of student-teacher trust. This means that any work submitted under your name is expected to be your own, neither composed by anyone else as a whole or in part, nor handed over to another person for complete or partial revision. Be sure to document all ideas that are not your own. In addition, you must not provide course materials to other students, whether individually or generally (such as online) that would enable them to gain an unfair academic advantage. Instances of plagiarism or any other act of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Honor Council and may result in failure of the course. Not understanding plagiarism is not an excuse. I expect you, as a Baylor student, to be intimately familiar with the Honor Code.
Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct Policy and Civil Rights Policy
Baylor University does not tolerate unlawful harassment or discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, race, color, disability, national origin, ancestry, age (over 40), citizenship, genetic information or the refusal to submit to a genetic test, past, current, or prospective service in the uniformed services, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, Texas, or local law (collectively referred to as Protected Characteristics). These policies also prohibit discrimination and harassment based on pregnancy or related conditions.
If you or someone you know would like help related to an experience involving:
- Sexual assault, sex-based harassment or discrimination, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, or retaliation for reporting one of these types of prohibited conduct, please visit or contact us at (254) 710-8454, or
- Harassment or discrimination (excluding those issues listed in #1) based on Protected Characteristics, please visit, or contact us at (254) 710-8454 or
For pregnancy or related conditions, the University will provide reasonable modifications to policies, practices, or procedures as necessary to ensure equal access to educational programs and activities. Individuals who need to request reasonable modifications should contact the Office of Access and Learning Accommodation. More information on pregnancy and parenting resources can be found here.
The Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX Office understands the sensitive nature of these situationsand can provide information about available on- and off-campus resources, such as counseling and psychological services, medical treatment, academic support, university housing, and other forms of assistance that may be available. Staff members at the office can also explain your rights and procedural options. You will not be required to share your experience.If you or someone you know feels unsafe or may be in imminentdanger, please call the Baylor Police Department (254-710-2222) or Waco Police Department (9-1-1) immediately.
Except for Confidential Resources, all University Employees are designated Responsible Employees and thereby mandatory reporters of potential sexual and interpersonal misconduct violations. Confidential Resources who do not have to report include those working in the Counseling Center, Health Center, Athletics Mental Health, and Baylor Psychology Clinic, and the University Chaplain and LHSON Chaplain.
Military Student Advisory
Veterans, active duty military personnel, and dependents are encouraged to connect with the VETS program, a space dedicated to supporting our military-connected students. Please communicate, in advance if possible, any special circumstances (e.g., upcoming deployment, drill requirements, disability accommodations).
Student Wellbeing
I recognize that students face many struggles during their Baylor career. The Department of CARE Team Services is a group of dedicated and caring case managers who work with students facing mental health issues, financial struggles, and anything else affecting a student’s ability to be successful in the classroom. You can find them on the second floor of the Student Life Center, suite 207. Contact Information: (254) 710-2100 ;
Health Care
Baylor University is strongly committed to addressing the physical well-being and mental health of students by providing access to on-campus healthcare resources. Baylor Health Services includes Primary Care, Psychiatry, Physical Therapy and Pharmacy and is staffed with fully certified and licensed physicians and nurse practitioners, as well as nurses and administrative staff. Appointments may be made by calling their main number or by logging into the health portal located on their website. Contact Information: (254) 710-1010;
Mental Health
You also have access to mental health serices through the The Counseling Center. Connect with them for an initial appointment, goal-directed individual therapy, group therapy, nutritional counseling, and case management services. You can schedule your 30-minute initial appointment online through the health portal or by calling (254) 710-2467. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, call or text #988 anytime day or night for support.
All Baylor students also have access to medical and counseling services via telehealth in addition to the on-campus services. Medical services include virtual urgent care, psychiatry, and nutrition counseling. Counseling services include 24/7/365 in-the-moment support and ongoing mental health counseling. Access to care is available in the evenings, during weekends, and when the University is closed. All services are free and unlimited to Baylor students. Please visit for more information.
The Beauchamp Addiction Recovery Center (BARC) supports students in recovery from substance and behavioral addictions through an all-encompassing level of support approach that includes one-on-one mentorship, support groups, and social events open to all Baylor students. Located in the East Village Residential Community (bottom floor of Teal Residential College). Contact Information: (254) 710-7092;
Food Insecurity
At Baylor, we want all students to have access to food resources that will support their holistic well-being and success. If you or someone you know experiences food insecurity at any time, you can find information on campus and community food resources by visiting The Store. You can also contact Store staff at (254) 710-4931. For additional basic needs assistance, please reach out to CASE or the Care Team.
The Office of Spiritual Life offers programs, persons, and resources to nurture theological depth, spiritual wholeness, and missional living. Located on the corner of 5th and Speight Street in the Bobo Spiritual Life Center. Contact Information: (254) 710-3517;