BM in Composition
The objective of the Bachelor of Music (BM) Composition degree program at Baylor University is to guide young composers in developing their unique voice and grow to compose out of educated intentionality. Composition students at Baylor are trained to be versatile composers and musicians. The curriculum is structured to include a high level of performance on an instrument or multiple instruments, conducting experience, electronic music, improvisation, orchestration, and other composition, theory and history courses.
- Composition Faculty
- Composition Area Page
- Alinea (electroacoustic music lab)
- BM in Composition Degree Plan Checklist
- Reference your Degree Plan Checklist for course requirements before consulting your distribution list:
- Music Courses Rotation List
- Undergraduate Catalog - includes course descriptions
- Schedule of Classes (search) - includes course descriptions
Additional Opportunities
- The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree is designed in the liberal arts tradition and is a good fit for students who want a music degree and who want to take additional courses outside of their major course of study. Choose BA in Music above for more details.
- Declare a Double Major. Find out more on our Double Major in Music page.
- The Secondary Major in Instrumental, Keyboard, or Vocal Performance allows advanced performers (piano, organ, voice, winds, brass, strings, or percussion) to continue their interest in music performance while pursuing another academic career path. Choose Secondary Major above for more details.
- Certificate of Orchestral Conducting
- Certificate in Jazz Studies
How to Apply
Step 1: Start your Baylor University application
Studying music at Baylor is a dual admission process, meaning you must apply and be admitted to both Baylor University and the School of Music. You may apply through GoBaylor, CommonApp, or ApplyTexas. You must begin your Baylor application in order to receive your “Bear ID” (firstname_lastname#) to link your BU application to your School of Music application.
- If you apply through GoBaylor, you will receive your BearID immediately
- If you apply through CommonApp or ApplyTexas, Baylor will send you an email with your BearID and instructions on creating a GoBaylor account to track your BU admissions status
Start your Baylor University Application
Steps to Success:
- Choose the Baylor Early Action application track! Apply by November 1st!
- Complete the FAFSA and CSS Profile as early as possible. See below for more information.
Step 2: Submit your School of Music application
All trumpet and trombone applicants: Submit your School of Music application by December 15, which includes your prescreening videos.
All other applicants: Submit your School of Music application at least 2 weeks before your preferred audition date. Applicants who submit a School of Music application within 2 weeks of the preferred audition date are not guaranteed a timeslot for that date.
The application portal closes on February 1st.
BM Composition Additional Requirements
Students must also submit a portfolio through the School of Music application (preferred) or by mail to Dr. Scott McAllister. In addition to scores, live or computer-generated audio are encouraged, but not required.
Step 3: Audition
All prospective first-year students and transfer music majors are required to audition on their principal instrument for acceptance into the School of Music. The audition is the most important factor in determining whether a student will be accepted as a music major. In-person auditions are strongly encouraged. Applicants seeking to audition via recorded video or live-virtual via Zoom must contact the applied professor directly. Applicants can select their preferred audition date on the School of Music application.
Decisions Timeline
First-year and transfer School of Music admissions decisions (March) | Admissions decisions are sent via email and updated in GoBaylor accounts |
School of Music Merit Scholarship offers (March) | Scholarship offers are send via email provided on School of Music application |
First-year Decision Deadline (May 1) | Commit to Baylor by depositing at *website* |
Scholarship & Financial Aid Information
We're glad you are considering Baylor. All undergraduate students who complete the following are considered for Music Merit Scholarships and Baylor University Scholarships:
- Apply to the School of Music
- Apply to Baylor University
- Audition for the School of Music with the intent to major in music
- Outstanding applicants pursuing a music degree that will enroll as full-time students may be recommended for music scholarships based on their performance ability and the programmatic needs of the School of Music.
- We HIGHLY recommend completing both the FAFSA and CSS Profile .
Financial Aid
To be considered for all possible scholarship and financial aid opportunities, undergraduates must complete both the FAFSA and CSS Profile. You may complete them before you get accepted or audition (the earlier you complete these applications, the better). We recommend completing before February 1 for those wanting to begin school in the Fall.
- Fill out FAFSA (Baylor school code = 003545): Incoming freshmen and transfer students can apply for financial aid including loans, grants, and scholarships for the upcoming academic year as soon as possible beginning October 1 at
- Fill out CSS Profile (Baylor school code = 6032): To be considered for any Baylor need-based financial aid, incoming freshman and transfer students should complete the CSS Profile beginning October 1 at
- Student Financial Services
- Student Employment
Baylor University maintains a student financial aid program including scholarships, grants, on-campus employment, and loans totaling approximately $60 million dollars annually. 92% of Baylor students receive financial aid.