

Secondary Major (Undergraduate)

Secondary Major (Undergraduate)

The Secondary Major in Instrumental, Keyboard, or Vocal Performance allows advanced performers (piano, organ, voice, winds, brass, strings, or percussion) to continue their interest in music performance while pursuing another academic career path. The secondary major is differentiated from a music major in that academic music requirements (music theory, music history, etc.) are substantially reduced while retaining regular private instruction, participation in ensembles and chamber music, and a recital in the senior year.

Through this secondary major option, upon graduation, a student earns one baccalaureate degree in an area other than music. Although not awarded a second degree in music, the student's transcript will reflect that he or she has earned a Secondary Major in Instrumental, Keyboard, or Vocal Performance. An audition is required for acceptance into the Secondary Major.


Piano Audition Information

Piano Faculty

Senior Lecturer of Piano

Senior Lecturer of Piano

Roxy Grove 207

Assistant Professor of Piano

Assistant Professor of Piano

Roxy Grove 213

Lecturer in Piano

Lecturer in Piano

Roxy Grove 203

Associate Professor of Piano Director of Collaborative Piano

Associate Professor of Piano Director of Collaborative Piano

Roxy Grove 211

Professor of Piano Director of Piano Pedagogy Keyboard Studies Division Director

Professor of Piano Director of Piano Pedagogy Keyboard Studies Division Director

Roxy Grove 209

Assistant Professor of Piano

Assistant Professor of Piano

Roxy Grove 200

Lecturer in Piano

Lecturer in Piano

Roxy Grove 205

Undergraduate Admissions FAQs

Graduate Admissions FAQs