

BM in History and Literature

BM in History and Literature

The Bachelor of Music (BM) in History & Literature degree program at Baylor University enables students to take advantage of both the professional applied music setting within the School of Music and the interdisciplinary, humanistic environment of a major research university.  The Musicology program focuses on helping students refine their skills in critical thinking, research, and writing, encouraging application of a broad range of approaches and methodologies.

Special strengths of Musicology at Baylor include our excellent teaching faculty, our small class sizes, and the personal attention our students receive both in and out of class. The faculty includes specialists in all eras of western music history; these professors also have expertise in Ethnomusicology, Opera Studies, Beethoven Studies, Latin American Music, and Performance Practice.


Trumpet Audition Information

Trumpet applicants are required to submit a pre-screening video (requirements below) with their music application. After evaluation of the pre-screen video, those that are qualified will be invited to a live audition and will have the opportunity to perform the audition repertoire for the faculty. All candidates are welcome to communicate directly with Prof. Wiff Rudd and Prof. Mark Schubert with questions regarding their application, repertoire, etc.

Trumpet Faculty

Professor of Trumpet Brass Area Coordinator

Professor of Trumpet Brass Area Coordinator

Lecturer of Trumpet

Undergraduate Admissions FAQs

Graduate Admissions FAQs